KIT can provide Secure Transport Services for the individual or group of government officials or corporate officers. Hostile forces often attack a target during transit because they identify mobility with vulnerability. KIT Teams are comprised of former and current members of the U.S. military that specialize in I.E.D. detection, pre-transit ballistic sweeps, “pre-connaissance”, radio-frequency jamming and monitoring, transport scheduling and route variations, and evacuation procedures. Their years of experience dealing with guerilla tactics of insurgents in the Middle East have honed their professional skills to minimize the possibility of an encounter with a hostile force.
Our teams are equipped to deal with any threat that arises but their first and foremost concern is the safety of our client and avoiding any type of conflict through the use of highly evolved and tested technological means of evasion. Each Secure Transport Team contains at least one member that has access to either real-time military or law enforcement intelligence. This information provides our team and our client with the highest amount of peripheral activity knowledge and up-to-date-information on any potential adversaries. KIT Secure Transport Teams: We take care of security, so you can take care of business.
Contact us to speak with an KIT Secure Transport Coordinator about your security needs.